Saturday, August 23, 2008

We can't see straight either

Even the most remote icy moons insist on being individuals.
-- National Geographic

not arrow channel straightedge line
resigned to get where it's going no

our blood meanders scouring cliffsides there
settling sifted sandbars here

sweeping our minds clearing our palates
dry bread crusts after sips of wine

from mouths of jars long buried mute
waiting in desert caves with swallowed scrolls

angels who grant us tastes but not
when we shake from need or look for the cup

we wander beyond thirst past hunger
in earthquake country close to the ground

playing our wrists like fiddles
going without sleep or purpose that's why

artists can't draw straight lines:
straight lines belong to rulers of all kinds

and when we get this close to the fence our hands
tremble our feet turn and run

we're almost back in the woods again
back under the rain back out in the cold

-- Jody Aliesan

As published in The Raven Chronicles, 13:2 (2008)