Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thursday was a New Moon

A good time to begin things. 
Like coalitions.

'Voter apathy, civic cynicism and outright disgust with politicians is based on political leaders refusing to say what they mean and, even worse, failing continually to do what they say. Voters are increasingly savvy and are simply tired of politicians telling them what they think they want to hear and then turning 180 degrees and doing something completely different... At the core of the Speech from the Throne lies bear the ethical reality that shapes the government. It is a government that will say anything, do anything, promise anything to get elected and simply cannot and will not be trusted by Canadians. The throne speech reveals at its core that the government is morally bankrupt. It has lost its moral compass.' 

James Laxer: 'Stephen Harper does not deal well with what he interprets as public humiliation. Lacking a sense of humour, which means a sense of proportion, he is not well-suited to political life in a democracy where give and take is of the essence. The only thing this man understands is conquest, which is why even the members of his own party don't really like him... If the Conservative government falls, the campaigns to replace Harper as leader will be well underway by Christmas.'
Image source here.