Astronomers frequently use the strong, characteristic 'fingerprint' of light emitted by hydrogen known as the Lyman-alpha line, to probe the amount of stars formed in the very distant Universe... 'Astronomers always knew they were missing some fraction of the galaxies in Lyman-alpha surveys,' explains Matthew Hayes, the lead author of the paper, published in Nature, 'but for the first time we now have a measurement. The number of missed galaxies is substantial.'... Many galaxies, a proportion as high as 90%, go unseen by these surveys...
Different observational methods, targeting the light emitted at different wavelengths, will always lead to a view of the Universe that is only partially complete. The results of this survey issue a stark warning for cosmologists, as the strong Lyman-alpha signature becomes increasingly relied upon in examining the very first galaxies to form in the history of the Universe. 'Now that we know how much light we've been missing, we can start to create far more accurate representations of the cosmos, understanding better how quickly stars have formed at different times in the life of the Universe,' says co-author Miguel Mas-Hesse.