Reuters: Israel has been developing 'cyber-war' capabilities that could disrupt Iranian industrial and military control systems... An advantage of sabotage over an air strike may be deniabilitly.
August 2010: Iran targeted in cyber attack
War in Context: Now it seems such an attack may have occurred in recent months.
Globe & Mail: A computer virus that attacks a widely used industrial system appears aimed mostly at Iran and its power suggests a state may have been involved in creating it.
CS Monitor: Cyber security experts say they have identified the world's first known cyber super weapon designed specifically to destroy a real-world target -- a factory, a refinery, or just maybe a nuclear power plant. Stuxnet's arrival heralds something blindingly new... Internet link is not required... 'Stuxnet is a 100-percent-directed cyber attack aimed at destroying an industrial process in the physical world.' says [Ralph] Langner, [a German cyber-security researcher]. It might be too late for Stuxnet's target, Langer says. He suggests it has already been hit -- and destroyed or heavily damaged.
War in Context: Ralph Langer envisages that the highly sophisticated attack would have required a preparation team that included 'intel, covert ops, exploit writers, process engineers, control system engineers, product specialists, military liaison.'...
6. In the strategic landscape of cyberwarfare the most dangerous player may turn out to be a small but highly developed fortress-state that feels threatened by much of the rest of the world; that neither trusts nor is trusted by any of its allies; that sees its own stability enhanced by regional instability; that has seen its own economic fortunes rise while the global economy suffers; and that views with contempt the notion of an international community.