R.K. Finch: The truth behind the making of our great leader, our genius in office, our strategic master, is the story of a megalomaniac with malignant narcissism, a grudge-bearing nerd... an immature and conscienceless man who is using this country to prove a theory, allowing him to simultaneously indulge his megalomania while holding fast to his grudges. There is no story like this, history reminds us, that results in someone who wishes to do good things for this world.
Kelly McParland, National Post: It's this lack of trust he's generated that has really poisoned the water on Parliament Hill. You can hear it in the voices of many MPs and pundits -- they just can't stand the guy. They think he's dishonest, that he's demeaning the art of politics, diminishing the stature of Parliament. They take themselves seriously... understand the rules, and know when he's crossing the line. They don't think he even knows where the line is.
Jeffrey Simpson, Globe and Mail: Mr. Harper's decisions showed a secretive, ferociously partisan leader, centralizing everything in his own hands... When his worst instincts are on the loose, there are inadequate checks in the system, and few people willing or able to curb those instincts... The way Mr. Harper acted, and the advantage he tried to gain, will be remembered now by all those who feared what he might do with a majority government.