The Telegraph [UK]: Doctors at a hospital near Gaza are almost overwhelmed by the number of Palestinian children needing treatment for bullet wounds to their heads. Dr. Yahia, a professor of neurosurgery who has worked in both the United States and Britain, believes that the bullet was shot from close range... 'I can't precisely decide whether these children are being shot at as a target, but in some cases the bullet comes from the front of the head and goes toward the back, so I think the gun has been directly pointed at the child'... 'We've had one child with two bullets in the head and nowhere else,' he said. 'We think that this shows something.'
The Guardian:
Mohammad Abu Hallma, 16, was shot dead by Israeli troops as he tried to take his injured relatives from the burning house in Atratra to hospital on 4 January...
Amal Abed Rabbo, two, was shot dead by Israeli soldiers outside her family's five-storey house in the village of Izbit Abed Rabbok in eastern Gaza on 7 January...
Shahed Abu Sultan, eight, was sitting on her father's lap mid-morning on 5 January, just outside the entrance to their small home in the Jabaliya refugee camp. An Israeli helicopter was flying overhead and, according to the family, was shooting down towards their houses. Shaded was hit by a single bullet to the head that killed her instantly...
Adham Mutair, 17, was shot by Israeli troops at his home near Beit Lahiya, in northern Gaza, on 9 January. Israeli tanks had taken up positions in the area around the houses and the family had been trapped inside their home for a week. Adham went upstairs to the roof to check on their pigeons, which were housed in a large hut. As he stepped out into the open, he was shot three times... He died the next day...
Lina Hassan, 10, was killed by an Israeli shell as she walked to the shops next to the UN school in Jabaliya on January 6. 'She asked me for a shekel to go to the shops to buy something for her and her brothers and sisters,' said her father, Abdul, 38. 'I heard the shell and ran out. I saw her body lying on the ground -- part of her head was missing.'...
Mohammed Shaqoura, nine, was killed by the Israeli shelling at the UN school in Jabaliya on 6 January... 'I went to help the injured. I didn't realize Mohammed was one of them,' said his father, Basim, 40... 'The injury was in the back of his head.' [Italics added.]